View from the Galley

Regular updates of the news and views from Galley Beggar Towers. Some opinions own. But please don't use them against us...

Robert Graves, muses, and the devil that is writing

It also seems that the majority of those blessed with genius are liable to be cursed, in the gentlest way, with a streak of naivety - which is often endearing, but can also be mistaken for lack of judgement. To a ten year-old mind, this naivety was as familiar as my own innocence, and was instantly embraced, but to a seventeen year-old, who by then had experienced the cynicism of others, and who loved his grand-uncle, it became something from which he had to be protected.


As I write this post, our first book, The White Goddess: An Encounter by Simon Gough is at the typesetters. Hopefully, by the end of this week, it will be on its way to the printers. Hopefully about ten days after that, it will actually exist, in physical form and then there will be no denying that Galley Beggar Press is actually happening. We will be a publishing company rather than just an idea.
