January 2014

On the way...

The uncorrect proof of 'Randall' by Jonathan Gibbs.

It's on the desk. It will be in your hands soon.

Don't forget to subscribe to our Singles Club in the meantime! It's the future of short stories. And it's going to be like the past. Which is to say, it's actually going to enable us to pay writers up front for lovely quick bits of prose. If we get enough subscribers, anyhow…

Singles Club Subscriptions!


Big news. We have a fantastic new subscription system set up for our Singles Club so that you now only have to make one payment to get hold of 12 stories. But how to go through the ins and outs of paypal payment systems without boring the dirtbox off you, I don't know. Probably the best thing to do is to head over to the relevant page on our site, where I've tried to give a brief, but to the point explanation, and to take it from there. The important things to know are that: