The Adventurers' Bookclub




The Adventurer's Book Club is a new way in which we're hoping to engage readers with our writers and our publishing project.
The idea is that this will be an informal, online community discussion forum. And that it will mainly be run by readers. Which is to say you. We're hoping that you will help us set the direction and that this is a place where we can answer your questions about not just the production and practicalities of our books - but also their wider meaning. 
The basic format will be that I'll post an article introducing each book, and also trying to look at it within the wider scheme of literary endeavour, highlighting possible influences and other books that might form good companion pieces.
In the following weeks, I'll hand the reigns over, first to our authors so that they can speak about their work and its broader context - and then to you so that you can ask, well, pretty much anything you want. All you'll need to do to take part is to post a comment below the article. And you can get practising on that by making any other suggestions for the direction this project might take in the comments below. I'll take them on board and try to wrap them in when I come in with my first article in a couple of weeks' time.
Until then, the important thing you need to know is that we're going to be looking at How To Be A Public Author by Paul Ewen.
And if you're keen to do some extra reading too, I can highly recommend Stet by Diana Athill. 

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